Board Meetings
March 24, 2022
03:00 PM ChST (Guam time)
Meeting Description

The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors will hold its Regular meeting on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting will be held virtually. To view, visit: or Agenda: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Minutes February 24, 2022; III. Public Comments; IV. General Manager’s Report; V. Old Business 1. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Supervisor : Resolution No. 2022-07 Creation of Port Terminal Supervisor, 2. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Worker : Resolution No. 2022-08 Creation of Port Terminal Worker; VI. New Business 1. Resolution No. 2022-09 Relative to approving the agreement to satisfy judgment between the Port Authority of Guam and Eddie N. Castro, and authorizing General Manager Rory J. Respicio to execute the agreement and use Port funds as necessary, including the existing Port FY2022 budget, to satisfy the judgment, and to herein provide the finalized agreement to the Honorable Benjamin J.F. Cruz, Guam Public Auditor in the interest of transparency and accountability, 2. Resolution No. 2022-10 Relative to authorizing Management to present to the Governor of Guam and 36th Guam Legislature Oversight Committee Chairperson a request to introduce proposed legislation to amend Public Law 35-44 relative to projects funded by revenue bonds, 3. Request for Creation of Position of Capital Improvement Projects Manager, 4. Request for Creation of Position of Port Chief Engineer; VII. Adjournment

For any assistance/access or individuals with disabilities who may need special accommodations, please call 671-477-5931, ext. 302/303 or

Notice Title
Notice Date & Time
Notices Description

The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors will hold its Regular meeting on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting will be held virtually. To view, visit: or Agenda: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Minutes February 24, 2022; III. Public Comments; IV. General Manager’s Report; V. Old Business 1. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Supervisor : Resolution No. 2022-07 Creation of Port Terminal Supervisor, 2. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Worker : Resolution No. 2022-08 Creation of Port Terminal Worker; VI. New Business 1. Resolution No. 2022-09 Relative to approving the agreement to satisfy judgment between the Port Authority of Guam and Eddie N. Castro, and authorizing General Manager Rory J. Respicio to execute the agreement and use Port funds as necessary, including the existing Port FY2022 budget, to satisfy the judgment, and to herein provide the finalized agreement to the Honorable Benjamin J.F. Cruz, Guam Public Auditor in the interest of transparency and accountability, 2. Resolution No. 2022-10 Relative to authorizing Management to present to the Governor of Guam and 36th Guam Legislature Oversight Committee Chairperson a request to introduce proposed legislation to amend Public Law 35-44 relative to projects funded by revenue bonds, 3. Request for Creation of Position of Capital Improvement Projects Manager, 4. Request for Creation of Position of Port Chief Engineer; VII. Adjournment

For any assistance/access or individuals with disabilities who may need special accommodations, please call 671-477-5931, ext. 302/303 or

Agenda Title
Agenda Date & Time
Agenda Description
Agenda: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Minutes February 24, 2022; III. Public Comments; IV. General Manager’s Report; V. Old Business 1. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Supervisor : Resolution No. 2022-07 Creation of Port Terminal Supervisor, 2. Request for Creation of Position of Port Terminal Worker : Resolution No. 2022-08 Creation of Port Terminal Worker; VI. New Business 1. Resolution No. 2022-09 Relative to approving the agreement to satisfy judgment between the Port Authority of Guam and Eddie N. Castro, and authorizing General Manager Rory J. Respicio to execute the agreement and use Port funds as necessary, including the existing Port FY2022 budget, to satisfy the judgment, and to herein provide the finalized agreement to the Honorable Benjamin J.F. Cruz, Guam Public Auditor in the interest of transparency and accountability, 2. Resolution No. 2022-10 Relative to authorizing Management to present to the Governor of Guam and 36th Guam Legislature Oversight Committee Chairperson a request to introduce proposed legislation to amend Public Law 35-44 relative to projects funded by revenue bonds, 3. Request for Creation of Position of Capital Improvement Projects Manager, 4. Request for Creation of Position of Port Chief Engineer; VII. Adjournment

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